Friday 9 October 2015

The end

Today is Friday, 9 of October we had nafa fun day and this marks the end of the blog and the start of the assessment week.

Thursday 8 October 2015

3D fundamentals Juxtaposition

this is my Juxtaposition project, I'm using light and heavy. I used paper mache and plastic eggs to make balloons and a mountain

Drawing fundamentals A3 works

These are some of my A3 work for each topic of Drawing fundamentals, I'm very sure i made a huge improvement since the start of the year til the end.I'm not going to post all though...

This is for week one on lines
This is for week 2 on stains

This is for week 3 on crosshatching 

week 4 3D effect 
week 6 texture 2 reflective

human figure 1 and 2

Slums and Shanty towns over the world

Slums and shanty towns are where the  poorest people stay in cities. This is because of the surplus of rural-urban migration, with this false promise of being economically successful. The biggest slum in India ironically, is in its capital city, Mumbai. Dharavi is bustling with businesses such as zip makers.

Ironically, Dharavi is right next to Mumbai's CBD. Dharavi is plagued with disease, pests, and is also prone to flooding. Not only that, but a few thousand dwellers have to share a single public toilet. Their houses are not even made of stable materials.  Now let us move from Dharavi to Brazil.

Well, it certainly looks more cleaner than them. This is because the government is trying to use the favelas as a tourist attraction. They clean up roads and even incorporated a cable car so that tourists can look in awe at these favelas. They gain their electricity illegally though. In the way they are doing it, it is possible for fire to spread extremely quickly through these favelas.

Costa Rica

Have you heard of the term Ecotourism? Its simple to understand really. Eco stands for environmental, tourism is well... tourism. Basically think about it as tourism that does not really harm the environment. Costa Rica, located in Central America. If a politician was to talk about Costa Rica, the first thing he says would most likely be "oh. Its the country which removed army right?". At first, it may seem like a stupid idea. But in fact, because of this, their literacy rates and levels of healthcare increased. Why? Government spending of course. They have enough money to invest in these particular areas. Not only that, but currently they have a huge tourism market.
Previously, Costa Rica's activities only included hiking, bird watching, etc. Mostly observing. They decided to  create "extreme" ecotourism. This includes the flying fox, bungee jumping, scuba diving and snorkelling, surfing and even white water rafting!

I haven't been here and I really really want to go one day :(. Its a really cool place. Oh but I'm probably not allowed to do the extreme sports. Parents would panic. So if I were to go there it would be... 

Before I end off, if anyone considers joining visiting Costa Rica, please remember the book the ecolodges instead of "5 star resorts". 
"But Marcus, it looks fine. What are you babbling about?" First off, this causes economic leakage in Costa Rica. The profits don't even go to the locals. Second of all, building HUGE resorts like this means that there is deforestation and bulldozing of trees. This harms the ecotourism which Costa Rica wants. It is not entirely because of the government that there are resorts like this. One of the reasons is because of the illegal sale of land. A transnational company like MacDonalds would privately buy land from locals. Anyways, I recommend people to stay in ecolodges anyway.

Firstly,it is eco friendly. No air-con and all. The sea breeze should be cooling enough. Secondly, the land used requires only a small portion of land to bulldoze. Even then, the structure is made out of the trees which have been bulldozed. Also, it helps generate a multiplier effect for the local economy. The multiplier effect refers to the increase in final income arising from any new injection of spending. I would recommend tourism around Costa Rica. It will be a fun and enjoyable experience. Its great for all ages. Elderly can try bird watching, watching turtles hatch and the youths can do something crazy like bungee jump.

Saturday 3 October 2015

life drawing

I did life drawings in school this week 

I had lots of fun and experience drawing my classmates though i screwed up some of their proportions, sorry about that guys :P

Friday 2 October 2015