Wednesday 23 September 2015

drawing fundamentals- human figure

Ok, so this entire week was pretty much postponed so i have time to draw figures i really enjoyed myself while doing so

Monday 21 September 2015

Faces 10

The back of this chair looks like a XD face 

Faces 9

The back of this motorcycle looks like a sad angry face >:(

Faces 8

The front of this car looks similar to the 😬 emoji 

Faces 7

The front exhaust of this car looks like it's laughing 

Faces 6

The car's head lights makes it look like its sleeping XD 

Faces 5

The baby chair backwards has a face of a surprise dude 

Face 4

This baby chair has a face of a serious man 

Face 3

This face looks like the emoji 😐 ._. 

Faces 2

This face looks like his surprised 

Saturday 19 September 2015

Drawing Fundamentals- perspective 2

This week we were suppose to go out of class and do some drawings of buildings outside  but the haze was quite bad so we ended up drawing in the library. :\

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Saturday 12 September 2015

drawing fundamentals- Perspective 1

 This week during drawing fundamentals i learnt a very useful way for drawing perspective by drawing a square in the middle of the paper and extend the corners with lines to make a in-door perspective.

Friday 11 September 2015


Maldives is this really beautiful tourist destination just south of India. It is a SIDS, meaning that it is a small island developing state. This means that Maldives is really vulnerable in shocks of the global economy such as a great depression. Now what does this small state do to survive? Maldives has an two markets. One being agriculture (they use this for their own consumption) and what Maldives is well known for, tourism :)

I have been in Maldives before and I tell you it is BEAUTIFUL.

White sandy beaches, clear blue water, sea breeze, its paradise. Not only that, but they also have underwater restaurants.
Its quite ironic. The fish gets to see their brethren getting eaten. However, I have not eaten there before :( I would revisit and try. At that time, my parents said it was too expensive. The most expensive thing I ever have there was my full body massage. 

This is the capital city of Maldives, Malé. It is the most populated area with a small area of 5.8 km square. This makes it surprisingly even smaller than Singapore, with 719.1km square.
However, my friend has brought my attention to these pictures. You see, these were taken in Maldives. You can see the blue, crystal clear water, but what are those? Garbage. Waste. Tourists do not realise that if they bring garbage here, it doesn't come out. Maldives has very poor waste management, resulting to either the burning of trash or dumping it in the sea. This harms the very environment which these tourists actually want. Sooner or later, the water might be black instead of blue. But however, the government does their best to cover this up. If you go do a quick google search on Maldives, you won't see this pictures.  
Yeah you see this? This is only a small bit of Maldives but does anyone wanna swim in that, I don't think so. I would highly recommend people to go to Maldives, but I beg of you to please keep Maldives clean. As a matter of fact, keep all tourist destinations clean.