Friday 24 July 2015

Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius

Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius

This post would be a bullet point summary of the video above

  • Elizabeth Gilbert is a writer
  • She wanted to be a writer since she was a teenager
  • she had a popular book that was published called "Eat,Pray,Love"
  • because of the book Elizabeth became afraid of being unable to live up to other's expectations for future books
  • creative people have a reputation mentally unstable according to Elizabeth
  • Elizabeth feared that the next generations of creative people may be affect by emotional risks
  • Elizabeth went on to search for ways to help creative people
  • The search led her to ancient Greece and ancient Rome
  • Ancient Greece and ancient Rome's ideas was to put creativity as a spirit or magical entity which would help artist in doing their work,this would give the artist a way to escape social criticism
  • Instead of panicking over a problem tell yourself to help yourself
  • don't be afraid

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