Thursday 27 August 2015

Adelaide, Australia

Adelaide, Australia 2014. It was a great experience to have the chance to travel overseas with my school and with all my friends to Adelaide last year. I realized that nobody really take notice of the details on the floor and the small but beautiful images that they walk pass. You might ask why i have to include my feet in every photo. Well, that is because it's my photo and I feel like the photo should include something that belongs to me and therefore my feet. Sure, I can use other things to represent my identity but keep in mind that I am travelling with a school and sometimes, there is hardly any time to stand at a spot to take a perfect photo!!!!
 I love how the shadows made the sand on the beach look three dimensional, I find the bloomed roses so pretty and you can hardly get nice looking flowers by the road here in Singapore. Details on the ground intrigues me and let me take a step back to think about how beautiful nature is.


This photo was taken during the boat ride on the way to Kangaroo Island. It was one of the most amazing boat rides I've sat on before. The water is so clear it's unbelievable. 

The 2 photos below were taken in Australia, in Kangaroo Island. This beach was filled with seals and it was an amazing sight to witness.

This was taken when i was walking on one of the bridges in Australia. The way the waves hit into the formation of rocks made it look special and nothing like what you can find here in Singapore.

This was just a random shed that i came across by the road. The way that it was run downed made it look very vintage and rustic and I find it nice .

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